It is a plant of the family Ranunculaceae and its common name is Aconite, Casco Jupiter or Venus Wagon.
It grows in the mountainous regions of Central, Southern Siberia, Asia.
Its main components are the alkaloids (the aconitine).
For indoor use and low doses it has a central neurological activity (especially in the trigeminal, whose branches “so curious to resemble flower monkshood”), a sedative and anti uricemic.
The main action of Aconite is failure, acute, violent, resulting in a psychic tension nervous, vascular and which is accompanied by physical agitation, mental, especially with anxiety, fear of death and panic.
The classic triad symptomatic of Aconite is turmoil, the fear of death, the pain unbearable.
The aggravation is in the evening, at night around midnight, after exposure to cold wind and dry, according lying on the painful side, in a warm room.
Improvement: outdoors, with rest, after sweating.
The main symptoms are normal in life the fear of falling, fear of crossing the streets, fear of crowds. Anxiety is indefinable, the physiognomy of the patient expresses an unreasonable fear, the slightest noise startles him, the slightest thought the anguish.
A respiratory has worsened after exposure to cold wind and dry.
Cough and pain are accompanied by extreme oppression and anxiety, fear of dying, from agitation and fever.
There are palpitations with sharp pains in the cardiac region, anxiety and fear of dying, pulse full, hard and fast (the patient must remain lying with his head on the top).
The face is red when lying becomes deathly pale when he wants to get up.
Otalgia sharply after a chill. Hypersensitivity to a minimum noise, can not stand the music.
Aconitum develops more in a subject Sulphur and Bryonia is often its complement.