Physiological aging must be distinguished from pathological aging that is represented by a series of signs and symptoms with rapid and premature onset.

However, physiological aging does not always go hand in hand with age, so we must also distinguish the biological age that often does not correspond to the actual age.

The life of man is regulated by the equilibrium between the Nervous, Immune and Endocrine Systems. Thus we need to consider the body as an open system where each dominion communicates and collaborates with each other to ensure a good overall balance with the environment. Consequently aging must be regarded as an alteration of the communication between these three major systems and ultimately a disconnection of signals and information that leads to an increased vulnerability of the organism against pathogen.

Now we will consider how one may counter the aging process through diluted and dynamised organotherapics, orally and / or subcutaneously.

In ancient times, animal glands and organs were used for the stimulation of their respective diseased or hypofunction organs (Hippocrates of Cos, School of Salerno, etc.). 
Gland therapy was based on a principle, one could say, endocrinological, and was substantially developed by Paracelsus who introduced the method of preparation of extracts of alchemical organ. In the 19th century organotherapy entered the homeopathic repertory; in fact starting from 1904 it gained notoriety thanks to Bayliss and Starling’s work on hormones.

Diluted and dynamised organotherapy arose from the followers of Hahnemann that transforms organs into homeopathic preparations that act not on the principle of similars, but on the principle of equals.

Depending on the level of ultra low dilution, one enters the concept of hormesis of molecular medicine. The first was Hippocrates when he observed that the Elleborus niger plant, capable of causing cholera-like diarrhea, could, in small doses, cure cholera. Unaware, the father of medicine had formulated the first draft of the hormesis theory, according to which the same substance may have beneficial effects at low doses and harmful effects at high doses. Traditional medicine is based on linearity of dose-response: the effect increases as the does increases. This is not always the case: many substances – more than 5,000 have been identified – have a stimulating effect at low doses, inhibition at high doses.

The law of hormesis was enunciated by the two researchers, Arndt and Schulz, at the end of the 19th century. But the phenomenon was bitterly opposed by conventional science. Also because one of its enunciators, Arndt, was a psychiatrist expert in homeopathy, and an acceptance of the law of hormesis would also have meant the recognition of the therapeutic validity of homeopathic medicines.

Edward J. Calabrese, professor of Toxicology at the University of Massachusetts revived the theory of hormesis and has extended it. He has studied the phenomenon for almost twenty years and has demonstrated the validity of approximately 5,000 substances that possess precisely this ambivalent behavior. Calabrese is conducting, with numerous publications (over 300) in leading journals such as Nature and Scientist, a fierce battle for the recognition of the phenomenon of hormesis; an overhaul of the foundations of pharmacology and toxicology will be consequential.

Actions will then be according to curbing dilution, regulating or stimulus.

In this discussion the concept of isotherapy, equally effective in anti-aging medicine, which  is the preparation of homeopathic dilutions from tissues, secretions or excretions of the same individual to activate the immune system towards a self-regulation, will be omitted.

The goal of homeopathic organotherapy is to renew the weakened body: the motto of its action is biostimulation and cell regeneration.

The recognition of a coded signal, an archaic ontological memory, the existence of a tissue response through the histocompatibility complex of our genetic identity allows for new cell information without a phenomena of rejection.

In this manner cellular reconstruction is stimulated of young elements, enzymes, amino acids, DNA, RNA, ribosomes and lyzosoma.

The existence of organ specific growth factors such as Nervous, Grow Factor, Epidermic Growth Factor and Fibroblast Growth Factor (now also available in homeopathic dilution), the discovery of mechanisms of recognition, communication, cooperation and regulation between cells and organs by researchers in molecular biology as well as a better understanding of the immune system and the study of psycho-neuro-endocrinology, shed new light on diluted and dynamised organtherapy.

This all leads to a revitalization of the body’s functions, with the recovery of physical, psychological and sexual activity with a decrease in the process of aging.

In organotherapy one must consider three factors: pharmacological, immunological and electromagnetic.

The pharmacological mode of action is carried out with a mediator that triggers or stops the functioning of the organ, by means of feed-back. “The organ acts on the organ.”

In tiny doses organotherapy becomes a mediator that modulates the activity of the organ.

The “dose” factor intervenes directly in these processes because the mediators are absorbed into the organism in very low concentrations.

Their action is through the cyclic 1 AMP (cyclic adenosine monophosphate) or cyclic 2 GMP (cyclic guanosine monophosphate). Specific tests have shown that a dilution of histamine 1.10-6 (CH 3) blocks the release of histamine (degranulation) from basophils, fixating on H2 receptors of these leukocytes.

The immunological mode of action is achieved with a low amount of autoantibodies blocked by the introduction of specific antigen, characterized by diluted and dynamised organotherapy. In fact, one of the causes of dysfunction of an organ may be determined by the formation of autoantibodies that block the organ itself. This can be corrected by the introduction of antigens of animal origin, with the same quality.

Each diseased organ, due to its lesion, acquires antigenic properties within the organism and induces the production of anti-organ autoantibodies.

The latter attack the injured part of the organ in order to facilitate elimination.

The common antigen power that exists between the injured and healthy parts determine an attack on the part of the organ that has remained healthy and causes the formation of a lesion that induces the production of anti-organ autoantibodies.

The ensuing feedback must be eliminated, thus blocking the formation of anti-organ autoantibodies.

The administration of the diluted organ represents the dynamised dilution of the antigen.

The anti-organ specific feature is in relation to the functional aspect of the organ: immunological methods (ELISA reaction) allow to assess the proper preservation of the mediators and the presence of antigens.

Immune complexes with excess antibodies or equivalent (with few antigens) are degraded with the greatest ease, however the immune complexes with an excess of antigens are responsible for immune complex diseases.

Very low doses of antigens have corrective power and are devoid of any toxicity.

The electromagnetic effect is achieved with a genuine phenomenon of “resonance” in the water molecules as if it were “conditioned” and thus “conditionable,” as is apparent from the research of Nobel Prize winner Luc Motagner. Here we find the physics of exchanges at the level of cell membranes and the influence on the extracellular matrix.

To obtain general effects, organ preparations can be administered sublingually.

The absorption through the sublingual mucosa, richly vascularized and innervated, is important for the role of neurotransmitters and hormones, and the consequent recognition of the target organ or organ system.

Some examples of sub-lingual administration of organ therapies are:

To counteract metabolic syndrome

Insulinum 7ch and 9ch Cholesterinum 200k and 1000k

For fluid retention:

Anterior pituitary lobe 9ch (for diuresis) Kidney 4ch 
 Follicolinum 9ch 
 Hypothalamus 7ch

For gynoid obesity:

Anterior pituitary lobe 3ch

For android obesity:

Adrenal 9ch Ovary 4ch

For hyperphagia:

Corticohypothalamic axis 7ch Diencephalon 7ch – 9ch

For an anti-aging effect:

Growth hormone

Subcutaneous injection therapy should be considered as a first choice for local effects.

Drugs of animal origin are used as suggested by Rudolf Steiner in “Spiritual Science and Medicine” (1920).

From the beginning cattle have been chosen for their characteristic of being able to exploit their activity of digestion, metabolic and anabolic. In fact, cattle intensely live the constructive forces of metabolism.

The organ preparations are derived from cattle raised according to the dictates of biodynamics.

German anthroposophic products use certified raw materials that meet standards of the European Pharmacopoeia; thus products without risk of transmission of pathogens and spongiform encephalopathies.

How are injectable anthroposophic organotherapies prepared?

The organic substance is separated while still fresh with heat thanks to a specific process using glycerine.

Glycerin or glycerol is a substance that suits the protein matrix of animal organ and does not denature. In the base substance, ready for use, the organic material can be found in solution or fine suspension.

The pharmaceutical process of dynamising, impressing the mother tincture in the complex matrix with force, still near a substantial level, elevates the potential prepared organ towards a more functional level.

They act at the level of the regulative principle of vital organization, which is the base of physical organs.

Enhanced organ preparations possess an affinity for the homologous human organ metabolism.

The organism as a whole, or the affected organ, reacts to dynamised organ preparation with an increase or a decrease in their energy metabolism physiology.

Therefore, even after repeated administration, as a rule no allergic reactions are triggered.

One could also say that therapy with organ preparations neither prevents disease (like vaccinations), nor renders it incapable of expressing itself (as nosodes do). Instead it supports the organ during the healing process by providing a model of operation.

Enhanced organ preparations act against the undifferentiated matrix from which the immune response also depends, the mesenchymal trauma also known as the internal “milieu” organs (Pischinger).

This internal “milieu” forms the living substrate that regulates the activity of every organ and is identified with the reticuloendothelial complex, totipotent, which, throughout its life, maintains an embryonic nature. Here self-regulation biological phenomena occur even before the emergence of higher-level centers, as well as the anabolic and catabolic processes of metabolism, detoxification and those immunological.

The interstitial matrix is a three dimensional space occupied by a complex framework of fibers and by simple and complex molecules: collagen-elastic fibers that give the tissue elasticity and strength and proteoglycans that react with interstitial water.

Water at an interstitial level is trapped in a gel form by proteoglycan molecules.

The dynamized organ preparations are able to work on the interstitial matrix also through an electromagnetic effect of resonance in water molecules. The interstitial water’s state depends on the degree of hydration of the tissue which, in turn, is related to the hydraulic pressure of the liquid phase of the interstitium. The degree of hydration between the various tissues is highly variable and substantially reflects different functional conditions.

In the matrix that absorbs and impoverishes liquid (sol / gel) hemolymphatic capillaries are distributed and also the vegatative autonomic nerve endings.

This area that is being described is not an inert gelatin but an expression and essential vector of living structures.

Embryonic mesenchymal blastema contains potentially, in a totipotent form, all the formative forces and differentiated tissues forms.

According to the choice of dilutions, they will act:

  • on the metabolic activity anabolic-iperergica pole (D4, D5, D6) (chronic diseases) stimulating action
  • on the rhythmic pole (D8) regulatory action
  • on the neuro-sensory activity catabolic-ipoergica pole (inflammatory diseases) (D10, D15, D20, D30) inhibitory action.
  • The choice of the specific organ or tissue is usually based on the tissue similarities, the specific action of the organ and its synergetic possibilities.

A reminder that “molecular mimicry” not scientifically proven is belived, by some, to play an important role in the architectural analogy of the tissue, growth factors, communication, transmission and organ regulation or organ systems between each other.

It is important to remember that the cell-cycle is completed in about 21 days and it is logical that the first effects are felt after approximately three weeks. The general effects of revitalization would extend well beyond the treatment and find their maximum effect after two or three months.

For bio-stimulation of fibroblasts and connective tissue in anti-aging medicine, the following are fundamental:

Amnion Bovis D5

Bindegewebe D5

Cutis feti D5

associated with:

Funiculus umbelicalis D5

Mesenchym D5

that should be injected in the face, neck and décolleté with microneedles 30 G – 0.3 x 13 mm.

Recently, successfully tested in an official structure (Catholic University of Rome), a anthroposophic organotherapy product has proved excellent for alopecia aerata: the Galea Aponeurotica, to be directly injected into the scalp.

We can conclude that organotherapy by general and local means greatly contributes to maintain balance in the human physiology by slowing down the aging process and thus the flow of biological age.